Great American Homes is a company formed and registered in the state of Tennessee in 2006 and we have been in business in Memphis for nearly 40 years.
We have earned Dunn and Bradstreet’s highest credit rating in the past 10 years. We have purchased and rehabbed close to 1,000 homes in Memphis, Nashville, Dallas, and St. Louis.
1) We Find a House
2) Close at Title Company – You receive a mortgage, promissory note, hazard insurance and a BPO appraisal (the same documents a bank would receive)
3) Purchase and Rehab Home
4) Pay You Interest Monthly
5) We Secure a Buyer
6) Sell House, Pay off Your Loan
7) Start Over
Doing business since 1985. Received one of the highest credit ratings that Dunn and Bradstreet assigns businesses. Rehabbed over 900 family homes over the past 10 years. Vast experience in international markets. Earning our investors 12% to 15% on their funds. Paying top dollar to individuals who are interested in selling their homes. Proven performance in increasing inner-city Memphis property values.
Please call us at (901) 318-9397 for more information.
Many Individuals Want To Own Their Home, But For Various Reasons (Normally Credit) They Cannot Qualify For A Bank Mortgage. Great American Homes will Lease The Property To These Individuals And Give Them The Option To Purchase It After Some Period Of Time Has Elapsed (Normally 12 to 60 months). During Their Lease Pay Period, We Allow Part Of Their Lease Payment To Apply To The Down Payment When They Exercise Their Option To Purchase. Great American Homes will have An FHA Approved Mortgage Company Look At Their Credit Before They Sign The Lease And They Show The Tenant What They Need To Do To Clean Their Credit Up Enough To Close In 12 to 60 months. We Open Credit Accounts For Them And Monitor Their Situation To See If They Are Following Through With Their Plan Outlined By The Mortgage Company.
Great Americans Homes, LCC,
310 S Walnut Bend Rd,
Suite 11, Cordova TN 38018.
+1 (901) 318-9397
Great American Homes, LLC. is a corporation registered in the State of Tennessee
and was incorporated on May 31, 1985.
310 South Walnut Bend Drive, Suite 11, Cordova, TN 38018
Office: (901) 318-9397 Cell: (901)626-2758 [email protected]