Benefits of Selling a Note
You will convert your long-term investment into cash. You will receive a substantial amount of money right now — enough to accomplish some major goals. When you have cash and are liquid, you can handle emergency situations, take advantage of quick investment opportunities and are in a better position to negotiate the purchase of anything you are buying. You will be able to pay off credit card and other debts that are charging a higher rate of interest than your note is earning. You won’t have to worry about the payments you receive each month slipping away on life’s little expenses. You will be able to retain this money to be used on something important in the future. You won’t have to worry about whether the property taxes or insurance premiums are being paid each year. You won’t have to worry about whether or not the borrower will continue to make his or her payments.
Great American Homes, LLC. is a corporation registered in the State of Tennessee
and was incorporated on May 31, 1985.
310 South Walnut Bend Drive, Suite 11, Cordova, TN 38018
Office: (901) 318-9397 Cell: (901)626-2758 [email protected]